
New Year Going Soon !!! Let's Study for exam!!!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Whose T-Shirt???

A journey of lonely t-shirt...
(lousy owner don wan HIM)
born with extreme size --> XL
has another name called "猪杂汤". One day, first yr dai lou told us he found chemical engineering shirt on AMIN cafe worker...Oh No,WAT!!! many senior cannot believe it...they said the dai lou old liao..mata tak boleh nampak...but the fact still remain...he get back the t- shirt for us..thanks to first year dai lou- siong chin...c the t shirt here...owner faster come claim back, or else all kp 2nd yr kick ur ass!!!

After few weeks scanning of the suspect, we found out this 2 guys sharing the same t shirt like GAY...

Can u believe they r wearing the same shirt alternately times..yucckss... Another KP wonder is martin oso can wear XL..seems a goo wearing XL..wat martin should wear??Look back at the photo...Ah Goo just like budak-budak when standing next to our wu mang da..HEHE!!!
I dunno wat is the story behind them, makes them hav to share same t-shirt..perhaps..they share something more private!!!

Warning : 2 guys above, faster admit whose t shirt is tat...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

FAC Night 2006

Our Martin Brother on stage

Our 1st pair=2nd pair of the night

Our 2nd pair=7th pair of the night

We had hooligans booing Alan & Sandra

and is led by this HAMSEM boy! Well done!

His Specs looks so 'yau yeng' , yellow colour=hamsap colour.

More to come, stay tuned

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Don't Laugh

Father and Son???

Thursday, August 10, 2006

read this...

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