
New Year Going Soon !!! Let's Study for exam!!!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Improve Yourself !!!

After one year time, can anyone let me noe how good is the
relationships among the KKPians???
Is it good ?? perfect ?? bad ?? or getting worse ??
One thing for sure is our jab is always better than others jab...
Maybe you'll start with a journey to think about the time we
used to be comparison, you found out it is getting
worse...Well, what is the reason behind it ?? Maybe i can say
everyone busy with their own stuff...really concentrate on what
we should do & what we wanna be and of course we all were
shocked by the coursework and mostly the exams...not like last
time, everyone "enjoyed" the class together...having the same
enemy(homeworks, assignments & black face tutor - Ir. Madinah)
Although it was hard during the first year, but we able to managed
it well...congrats to KKPians...I must say this is a good change & we
need such changes to train to maintain to keep us & lead us to the
road of professional...This is what a professional acts and we're
moving towards the goal...but the true is disadvantage follows along
with benefits...Relationships between human are getting far and far...
It is impossible to repair this in short time...everything is depends on
yourself...don ever ever think that "you are just my coursemate for
4 years, nothing more than that" Well...this is exactly wrong, perhaps
we'll meet again somedays in somewhere...where you and me needs
each, do APPRECIATE your friends !!! talk to them,
communicate with them, understand them & THINK in their situation..
KKPians lack of something...
something that a professional should posses...
something that you will deal with it in your life..
something that very important & you should not ignore it...
"Communication & Human Relationships Skill"
The world is changing as human changing...really spend sometime
to improve this thing...try look at some ppl..why are they always
popular among friends...there must be a reason...understand the
reason makes you adapt to the environment...You are born for this
world not the world are born for you...sometimes, friends are the best
solution, APPRECIATE THEM... & remember No Wo+-Man is an island..


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